Change and how much more money we will have to pay to ZUS. In the article below you will learn, among other things: What changes in ZUS from 2023? Who does the new contributions apply to? How much are the new ZUS contributions? ZUS contributions 2023 and the increase in minimum wages In January, we experienced the first salary increase - the lowest national salary was PLN 3,490 (gross) , the next increase awaits.
Us in July and will amount to PLN 3,600 (gross). The amount of the minimum wage compared to ZUS contributions is crucial, because the minimum wage is the basis for calculating contributions for the so-called young entrepreneurs phone number list running their business in the first 24 months. The amount of pension and disability insurance contributions for this group is the declared amount, but not less than 30%. For comparison, for other entrepreneurs.

Determined on the basis of 60% of the forecast average monthly salary. Small ZUS 2023 for young entrepreneurs Young entrepreneurs who are just starting their business, in accordance with the applicable relief, are not obliged to pay ZUS contributions until half a year after starting their business. After the start-up relief period ends, young entrepreneurs can benefit from the so-called small ZUS and therefore from lower contributions.