For the company, this path turns into an opportunity to rediscover and enhance its own peculiarities , to start a collective internal growth . It translates into a work of introspection and synthesis whose objective is to express the soul of the project, the essence with which the company presents itself and authentically communicates its value and its values to emerge from the crowd and be recognized by its customers. There is no successful entrepreneurial project without awareness of one's own identity, peculiarities, essence: awareness becomes an indispensable element for building a modern brand and transforming communication into a competitive advantage .
The identification of this awareness becomes above all a preparatory path to the transformation of the company into an exponential organization or ExO . EXponential Organization: What are they? An ExO is a company that grows and develops by leveraging the resources email list freed up by accelerating technologies and that, thanks to this, obtains results 10 times higher than those of traditional competitors. Why ExO? Because these organizations are able to survive and thrive in a context of extreme uncertainty and continuous transformation. Understanding the dynamics of exponentially accelerating technology evolution allows them to create business models based on the abundance of resources freed up by the technologies themselves.
Furthermore, an ExO applies the best of the business methods and strategies that underpin the corporate cultural revolution of the last decades to transform the organization from within and create conscious entrepreneurial projects that exploit the exponential attributes of the “ExO Formula”. The transformation into an exponential organization allows us to address three fundamental questions at the root that no company or project can afford to underestimate: In a context where everyone uses the same tools, the same training, the same technologies, has access to the same infrastructures and adopts similar procedures or processes, where does the competitive advantage lie ? In a world where everyone uses the same tools to communicate, in the same way, with the same language to achieve the same goal of attracting attention, with the only result of fueling a great confusion that does not allow anyone to emerge with their own value, how can you be recognized in the multitude ? In a rapidly changing world, hastily imitating what others do is the most popular and most reassuring path.