There are numerous landing page designs and it gets updated consistently which are tested thoroughly by the team. Franktrax is equipped with a technology that rotates these landing pages as per the publishers. It also keeps rotating the best offers available and optimizes it for both earning per click and for the best clickthrough and conversion rate. This complete process and automated functioning enhance the revenue generated per view as their primary focus is to extract profit from each and every visit that the publishers are using.
This feature basically works on the principle to allow maximum buyers and traffic holders to focus on the Belgium WhatsApp Numbertraffic generation. the landing pages for publishers. Franktrax is incorporated with different features that help to maximize the profit and its team works constantly to upgrade it on a daily basis. Moreover, the testing has recently shown that the same traffic which was sent to the best performing offer directly compared to the one sent through the landing page rotator, generated nearly more profit.
This is indeed an amazing feature as it generates so much more revenue and money without changing anything on the side of traffic generation. Franktrax Statistics Personal Website A personal website is also given for promotion and to garner all the limelight that will boost the traffic on their page. There are premade templates that make your website attractive to ensure high visibility. The team also helps you in this process.