Advantage of the natural heat from inside the earth through subsoil pipes , to heat the water and produce the steam that the turbine requires to operate. To harness this energy in large-scale power plants, high temperatures at shallow depths are needed . Hydroelectric these types of power plants are the evolution of the old mills. They use waterfalls to harness kinetic energy and produce the movement of the turbines . They require the construction of a hydraulic infrastructure consisting of a dam, a reservoir and a power plant. Its power can vary from a few mw to several gw , depending on its size. Thermoelectric conventional cycle thermoelectric plants burn coal, natural gas or diesel to increase the temperature of a water tank . As a result, steam is produced and it moves the turbine connected to the generator that transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy.
There are also combined cycle thermoelectric plants that work in a similar way , but have another turbine that moves with air taken from the atmosphere and is heated using fossil fuels. Nuclear Phone Number List nuclear plants use the heat released from nuclear fission in a reactor to heat large quantities of water at high pressure . The steam that is released generates electricity by passing through a turbine that is connected to the electric generator. Uranium is the fuel used for its operation. Tidal power these plants use the rise and fall of the tides to move the turbines that drive the generator that produces electrical energy . They generate energy both when filling and emptying the bay. Wind wind power plants or wind farms are made up of a group of wind turbines that convert the kinetic energy produced by air currents into electricity . They are installed in areas exposed to frequent winds such as coastal areas, islands or mountainous heights, but they can also be located in the sea.
Switch to solar energy with svea solar did you know that by installing solar panels in your home, company or building you can start generating your own energy ? There are many advantages that the use of photovoltaic solar energy offers us. Among the most important are the reduction of energy dependence on the electrical grid and savings on your electricity bill . Joining self-consumption will also have a positive impact both individually and on the planet, since by producing your electricity you will be helping to reduce emissions of polluting gases into the atmosphere . At svea solar we have the best offers on solar panels . We offer three top-quality smart panel systems, which will not only adapt to the requirements of your space , but also to your pocket. Contact us and see how easy it is to invest in photovoltaic solar energy with svea solar.