Instagram, in line with online sales regulations, will allow orders to be canceled or returned within 30 days . All order management activities will be carried out in the app in the Orders section.Online purchases will not be shared on users' bulletin boards, and all activities will be protected by privacy . So you don't have to worry, no one will know your purchases apart from the brand concerned.To see all the features you can still go to the dedicated Instagram help center page .
Who can sell on Instagram CheckoutNow Instagram Checkout is only Special Data active in the States. Only a number of selected brands can sell directly on the Instagram platform which, currently, are the following Anastasia Beverly Hills @anastasiabeverlyhillsBalmain @balmainBurberry @burberryColourPop @colourpopcosmeticsDior @diorH&M @hmHuda Beauty @hudabeautyshopKKW @kkwbeautyKylie Cosmetics @kyliecosmeticsMAC Cosmetics @maccosmeticsMichael Kors @michaelkorsNARS @narsissistNike @niketraining and @nikewomenNYX Cosmetics @nyxcosmeticsOscar de la Renta @oscardelarentaOuai Hair @theouaiOutdoor Voices @outdoorvoicesPrada @pradaRevolve @revolveUniqlo @uniqloWarby Parker @warbyparkerZara @zaraInstagram Checkout in ItalyCurrently the Checkout functionality is not available for the Italian market . Instagram has not given any communication on the release times of Instagram Checkout on the European and Italian markets, so we just have to wait.Why invest in InstagramSelling on Instagram CheckoutInstagram post with products tagAs we know, Instagram is a social visual , in which images and videos are the main focus and the rest (texts and hashtags) take on more of a supporting role.Here are the main reasons to switch from a private profile to a business one:Insights monitoring e.

data regarding the identity of followers. By activating it, it is possible to view impressions (i.e. post views), coverage, clicks on the website and unique accounts that have viewed the Instagram account;The creation of an immediate button to contact the company, the classic " contact " (trivial but effective);The ability to create ads via Instagram Ads . Clearly, although Instagram is a free social network, sponsorships are paid, but a few euros are enough to reach a fairly large target of people;Clearly these are just some of the functional and positive aspects for which it is necessary, for any business, to own and professionally manage a business Instagram account .