Phone numbers; Email; Title in Russian and English; Address. Features of the organization and details . Check the boxes and select items from the list provided. Ranking for queries in search will depend on the filling settings. Page for entering organization features in the Yandex.Business control panel Page for entering organization features in the Yandex.Business control panel Photos . It is necessary to add the maximum number of high-quality photographs. You can upload files in JPG, PNG formats, the size of one file should not exceed MB, the acceptable
image format is from x to x pixels. Available photo Afghanistan WhatsApp Number subcategories: Login Interior Exterior Goods Equipment Examples of photos in Yandex.Business Examples of different photos in Yandex.Business Publications . News and information about your events, promotions for your audience. They will appear in the organization’s profile in Yandex and on Maps. Creating a publication in Yandex.Business .Business control panel Reviews . Necessary: respond and thank for good reviews and ratings; respond to complaints

from dissatisfied customers; optimize responses to reviews based on the semantic core, introducing low-frequency queries; write to Yandex support if the review is in error or does not apply to you. Page with reviews in the Yandex.Business control panel Page with reviews in the Yandex.Business control panel Goods and services . Additional blocks of information with your products or services may appear in search results after being added to the appropriate subsection. You can download in two ways: manually or download the price list in XLS (XLSX) format. The following fields must be filled in for each product card: picture.